Add A Medium In Citation On Word
Output for bibliographies and citations is represented in a Word document as HTML, so to define how our custom bibliography and citation styles should look in Word, we'll have to add some HTML to our style sheet. Suppose you want to format each entry in your bibliography in this manner: Last Name, First Name. City: Publisher. Consider using Word's cross-reference feature to add the original footnote number. Adding cross-references with Microsoft Word When you refer to a subsequent reference in your Word document you will need to add a footnote number e.g. Burchfield (n 1 ) 375. Word will only include citations in the Current List for citation use in this document. You can add a source from the Master List to the Current List simply by clicking on it in the master list and then clicking Copy - from the options in the middle. When you are finished, click Close. Creating an in-text citation. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite, and then on the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citations. From the list of citations under Insert Citation, select the citation you want to use.
Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used document editors in the world. Many scientific-based academic reports; essays, coursework, final year projects, thesis, dissertations, journals etc. use the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) referencing format. This can be really frustrating especially if you want to input a new in-text reference between two or more already existing in-text references. Doing it manually is a pure waste of time especially when the number of references is so verbose. Here is where the Microsoft Word in-built referencing system can help. The following sections explain how to use Microsoft Word to manage IEEE references.
Add A New Source
Step 1: Go to the References tab
Step 2: Select the type of referencing from the list provided by clicking on the drop-down list of the Styles in Citations & Bibliography category. In this example, the IEEE referencing is selected as seen below.
Step 3: While writing the content of your report and you want to include an in-text reference in a specific location, place the mouse in that location, then go to Insert Citation in the Citations & Bibliography section as seen below. If you want to add new reference information, then click on the Add New Source from the dropdown list.
Step 4: The pop-up window will appear for you to create a new source. It allows the user to select the Type of Source, after selecting this, the required fields for the selected source type will be displayed. For example, the required field for a Journal Article is provided below.
Step 5: However, if you want to add additional information about the source then you can click on the checkbox “Show All Bibliography Fields” as seen below.
Step 6: To add the author information click on the edit button and insert one after the other the author information as seen below:
Step 7: Once the reference is successfully added the reference number will appear on the body of the report as seen below:
Viewing the List of Sources Already Added
The added references in the list can be viewed by going to the References tab and then selecting Insert Citation from the Citation & Bibliography category as seen below:
Referencing A Source That Was Already Inserted
If the source is already added to the document, you don’t need to add it again. All you need to do is to click on the location where you want to insert the reference again and select it from the list as shown below:
Generating Bibliography or Reference List
Lastly, you can generate your bibliography or reference by clicking on Bibliography from the Citations & Bibliography category from the References tab as seen below:
Updating the In-Text Citations and References List
If you want to add a new in-text reference between two or more already existing in-text references and then update the reference list, no manual changes are needed. All you need to do is to insert the in-text reference in the specific section as discussed above. Select the entire document (CTRL+A), then Right-Click and select the Update Field from the popup list. The in-text reference numbering and the reference or bibliography list will be updated accordingly.
Add A Medium In Citation On Word File
Final Notes
That’s it, I hope you got everything, if you did not, send your comments and questions.
See also: