Fallout 4 1.9 Patch

The version 1.9 for Fallout 4 is a highly anticipated update from fans because it gives support for High Resolution Texture Pack and other features for mods. CODEX are the one who handle this update. You can read below the release required for this update and the patch notes. Both Fallout 4 1.9 and Skyrim 1.4 offered improvements to mods in the form of a “featured mods” section and the ability to filter by mods with the highest rating. For Fallout 4, the PS4 build also received a PS4 Pro patch capable of native 1440p resolution. Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition are available now on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

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Fallout 4 1.9 Patch Download

1. RSE - Diamond City Expansion Patch
Puts the redemption chair back in the DCE edited cell.
Compatible with RSE 4.0 and DCE 1.4
Just put it after DCE and RSE mods in your load order.

2. RSE - Better Settlers Patch
If RSE is loaded after BS, it resets head parts and default outfits to vanilla.
If BS is loaded after RSE, it deletes RSE scripts and madame faction attached to settlers. This one resolves those issues.
Compatible with RSE 4.0 and BS 2.0 (Clean Faces)
Load order of BS and RSE doesn't matter as long as you put this patch after them.

3. RSE - Horizon Patch
This edits some conflicting item and npc records and also adds tags to RSE items for Horizon's item sorting.
Compatible with RSE 4.0 and Horizon 1.6
Load order of Horizon and RSE doesn't matter as long as you put this patch after them.
4. RSE - Better Settlers - Horizon Patch
If you have RSE, BS and Horizon all three, you'll need only this one. You shouldn't install other (RSE-BS and RSE-Horizon) patches.
Compatible with RSE 4.0, BS 2.0 (Clean Faces) and Horizon 1.6
Load order of BS, Horizon and RSE doesn't matter as long as you put this patch after them.

5. RSE - VIS Patch
It just adds tags to RSE items for Valdacil's item sorting mod compatibility. It's also compatible with VIS-G sorting.
Load order of VIS and RSE doesn't matter as long as you put this patch after them.

6. RSE - CWSS Redux v2 Patch
Thanks to @AWP3RATOR for this amazing work.
RSE - CWSS Redux v2 Patch download page


- Updated all patches (NMM users: select [overwrite files] when installing).

- Updated AAF_RSE-Better Settlers-Horizon and AAF_RSE-Horizon patches for GenericDoctorsScript compatibility (NMM users: select [overwrite files] when installing).


- Updated AAF_RSE-Better Settlers-Horizon and AAF_RSE-Horizon patches for RSE v3. compatibility.

Fallout 4 1.9 Patch Notes

- Added some missing tags of ingestibles to AAF and FP versions of Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch.

Fallout 4 1.9 Patch Update

- Initial release of AAF and FP versions of Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch.

Fallout 4 1.9 Patch Download

- Put FP versions of the patches back to the front page for people who want to roll back to FP_RSE. Renamed esps's to prevent confusion.

Fallout 4 1.9 Patch 2019

- Added AW3RAPTOR's RSE - CWSS Redux v2 Patch link.

Fallout 4 1.9 Patch Changes


- Initial release of AAF versions of Diamond City, Horizon and Better Settlers patches.

- Initial release of FP versions of Diamond City, Horizon and Better Settlers patches.

Anyone who wants to add more RSE patches is always welcomed.
And thanks to @Flashy (JoeR) for this amazing mod.